Table 6. Abridged life table for the total population, 2006
Age Probability
of dying between
ages x to x + n
  Number surviving to age x   Number
ages x to x + n
  Person-years lived
ages x to x + n
number of person-years lived above age x
  Expectancy of life
at age x
nqx   lx   ndx   nLx   Tx   ex
0-1 0.006713 100,000 671 99,409 7,770,878 77.7
1-5 0.001138 99,329 113 397,045 7,671,468 77.2
5-10 0.000694 99,216 69 495,890 7,274,423 73.3
10-15 0.000822 99,147 81 495,588 6,778,533 68.4
15-20 0.003214 99,065 318 494,626 6,282,945 63.4
20-25 0.004998 98,747 494 492,532 5,788,319 58.6
25-30 0.005033 98,253 495 490,029 5,295,787 53.9
30-35 0.005583 97,759 546 487,470 4,805,758 49.2
35-40 0.007389 97,213 718 484,380 4,318,288 44.4
40-45 0.011381 96,495 1,098 479,917 3,833,908 39.7
45-50 0.017264 95,397 1,647 473,118 3,353,991 35.2
50-55 0.025576 93,750 2,398 463,087 2,880,873 30.7
55-60 0.036064 91,352 3,295 448,954 2,417,786 26.5
60-65 0.054578 88,057 4,806 428,979 1,968,832 22.4
65-70 0.079166 83,251 6,591 400,600 1,539,853 18.5
70-75 0.121698 76,661 9,329 361,364 1,139,253 14.9
75-80 0.195003 67,331 13,130 305,373 777,890 11.6
80-85 0.302494 54,201 16,396 230,964 472,516 8.7
85-90 0.447183 37,806 16,906 146,108 241,553 6.4
90-95 0.617600 20,900 12,908 69,784 95,445 4.6
95-100 0.782635 7,992 6,255 21,751 25,661 3.2
100 and over 1.000000 1,737 1,737 3,911 3,911 2.3
[For explanation of the columns of the life table, see "United States Life Tables, 2004," National Vital Statistics Reports, Volume 56, Number 9]

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May 2, 2009 -- CDC Just released :
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Death rates by 10-year age groups: United States and each State, 2004

Cardiac arrest can be treated by using a heartstart home defibrillator to return the heart to normal rhythm.

Deaths and death rates for the 10 leading causes of death For People 1 - 4 Years  5 - 14 Years  15 - 24 Years  25 - 44 Years  45 -64 Years  65 years and over

The 52 Infectious Diseases Designated as Notifiable at the National Level During 1997 by total,  by month,  with rate per Thousand People: United States
The Disaster Center

Death Rates for Twelve Age groups from
All causes
Diseases of heart (390-398,402,404-429)
Rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease (390-398)
Hypertensive heart disease -402
Hypertensive heart and renal disease -404
Ischemic heart disease (410-414)
Acute myocardial infarction -410
Other acute and subacute forms of ischemic heart disease -411
Angina pectoris -413
Old myocardial infarction and other forms of chronic ischemic heart disease -412,414
Other diseases of endocardium -424
All other forms of heart disease (415-423,425-429)
Malignant neoplasms, including neoplasms of lymphatic and hematopoietic tissues (140-208)
Malignant neoplasms of lip, oral cavity, and pharynx (140-149)
Malignant neoplasms of digestive organs and peritoneum (150-159)
Malignant neoplasms of respiratory and intrathoracic organs (160-165)
Malignant neoplasm of breast (174-175)
Malignant neoplasms of genital organs (179-187)
Malignant neoplasms of urinary organs (188-189)
Malignant neoplasms of all other and unspecified sites (170-173,190-199)
Leukemia (204-208)
Other malignant neoplasms of lymphatic and hematopoietic tissues (200-203)
Cerebrovascular diseases (430-438)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases and allied conditions (490-496)
Accidents and adverse effects (E800-E949)
Motor vehicle accidents (E810-E825)
All other accidents and adverse effects (E800-E807,E826-E949)
Pneumonia and influenza (480-487)
Diabetes mellitus -250
Human immunodeficiency virus infection (*042-*044)
Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis -571
Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis (580-589)
Septicemia -38
Alzheimer's disease 2 -331
Homicide and legal intervention (E960-E978)
Atherosclerosis -440
 Number of deaths and death rates, by age, race, and sex: United States, 1996 [Rates per 100,000 population in specified group.

The Disaster Center