The 52 Infectious Diseases Designated as Notifiable at the National Level During 1997 by total,  by month,  with rate per Thousand People: United States

NAME  Total  Jan-  Feb-  Mar-  Apr-  May  June  July  Aug-  Sept-  Oct-  Nov-  Dec-  Risk Per 1000 
AIDS *  58,492  4,682  5,066  5,364  4,586  5,072  5,234  4,281  4,803  4,964  4,636  4,016  5,788  0.219 
Botulism, total  132  14  19  16  20  14  0.000 
Brucellosis  98  20  10  13  11  0.000 
Chancroid +  243  65  80  58 40  0.001 
Chlamydia +  526,671  119,217  130,697  135,403  141,354  1.968 
Cholera  0.000 
Cryptosporidiosis  2,566  146  94  154  121  152  117  211  358  311  293  310  299  0.010 
Diphtheria  0.000 
Escherichia coli O157:H7  2,555  82  73  107  71  173  190  400  432  335  281  196  215  0.010 
Gonorrhea +  324,907  74,417  76,126  87,378  86,986  1.214 
Haemophilus influenzae, invasive  1,162  71  86  123  98  116  103  69  82  76  58  103  177  0.004 
Hansen disease (leprosy)  122  12  11  12  11  19  29  0.000 
Hepatitis A  30,021  1,716  2,184  2,885  2,033  3,124  2,163  2,091  2,628  2,517  2,526  2,524  3,630  0.112 
Hepatitis B  10,416  696  637  947  736  1,022  774  731  955  809  735  923  1,451  0.039 
Hepatitis, C/non-A non-B  3,816  273  257  322  246  384  291  304  370  319  242  312  496  0.014 
Legionellosis  1,163  61  84  72  63  83  69  75  116  112  127  152  149  0.004 
Lyme disease  12,801  512  254  390  293  612  724  1,638  3,197  1,944  1,057  988  1,192  0.048 
Malaria  2,001  124  98  111  100  168  181  188  279  160  147  181  264  0.007 
Measles (rubeola)  138  14  31  10  21  13  11  11  0.001 
Meningococcal disease  3,308  138  348  469  282  360  248  175  184  171  168  230  535  0.012 
Mumps  683  32  46  72  63  101  57  25  37  61  45  72  72  0.003 
Pertussis (whooping cough)  6,564  607  403  512  537  475  404  393  543  475  397  740  1,078  0.025 
Plague  0.000 
Poliomyelitis, paralytic  0.000 
Psittacosis  33  0.000 
Rabies, animal  8,105  268  422  667  741  781  678  599  830  832  862  707  718  0.030 
Rabies, human  0.000 
Rocky Mountain spotted fever  409  20  14  11  24  58  54  87  48  45  25  16  0.002 
Rubella (German measles)  181  10  10  30  34  36  10  17  15  0.001 
Rubella, congenital syndrome  0.000 
Salmonellosis  41,901  1,663  2,030  2,544  2,351  3,391  3,175  3,626  5,398  4,364  3,961  4,219  5,179  0.157 
Shigellosis  23,117  1,572  1,200  1,301  1,064  1,615  1,522  1,694  2,717  2,166  2,100  2,792  3,374  0.086 
Syphilis, total all stages +  46,540  11,872  13,007  11,371  10,290  0.174 
Primary and secondary +  8,550  2,264  2,252  2,198  1,836  0.032 
Congenital 1 year +  1,049  0.004 
Tetanus  50  0.000 
Toxic-shock syndrome  157  15  13  14  13  12  16  12  10  12  22  0.001 
Trichinosis  13  0.000 
Tuberculosis  19,851  794  1,285  1,630  1,790  1,813  1,553  1,697  1,644  1,583  1,601  1,442  3,019  0.074 
Typhoid fever  365  20  28  17  33  25  23  43  44  35  36  52  0.001 
Varicella (chickenpox)**  98,727  5,463  10,792  15,484  11,394  17,909  6,744  2,665  1,370  2,159  3,069  6,748  14,930  0.369 

Deaths and death rates for the 10 leading causes of death For People 1 - 4 Years  5 - 14 Years  15 - 24 Years  25 - 44 Years  45 -64 Years  65 years and over
The 52 Infectious Diseases Designated as Notifiable at the National Level During 1997 by total,  by month,  with rate per Thousand People: United States
The Disaster Center

Death Rates for Twelve Age groups from
All causes
Diseases of heart (390-398,402,404-429)
Rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease (390-398)
Hypertensive heart disease -402
Hypertensive heart and renal disease -404
Ischemic heart disease (410-414)
Acute myocardial infarction -410
Other acute and subacute forms of ischemic heart disease -411
Angina pectoris -413
Old myocardial infarction and other forms of chronic ischemic heart disease -412,414
Other diseases of endocardium -424
All other forms of heart disease (415-423,425-429)
Malignant neoplasms, including neoplasms of lymphatic and hematopoietic tissues (140-208)
Malignant neoplasms of lip, oral cavity, and pharynx (140-149)
Malignant neoplasms of digestive organs and peritoneum (150-159)
Malignant neoplasms of respiratory and intrathoracic organs (160-165)
Malignant neoplasm of breast (174-175)
Malignant neoplasms of genital organs (179-187)
Malignant neoplasms of urinary organs (188-189)
Malignant neoplasms of all other and unspecified sites (170-173,190-199)
Leukemia (204-208)
Other malignant neoplasms of lymphatic and hematopoietic tissues (200-203)
Cerebrovascular diseases (430-438)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases and allied conditions (490-496)
Accidents and adverse effects (E800-E949)
Motor vehicle accidents (E810-E825)
All other accidents and adverse effects (E800-E807,E826-E949)
Pneumonia and influenza (480-487)
Diabetes mellitus -250
Human immunodeficiency virus infection (*042-*044)
Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis -571
Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis (580-589)
Septicemia -38
Alzheimer's disease 2 -331
Homicide and legal intervention (E960-E978)
Atherosclerosis -440

 Number of deaths and death rates, by age, race, and sex: United States, 1996 [Rates per 100,000 population in specified group.

The Disaster Center January 16, 2008 -- CDC Just released :

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