Number of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses by selected industries and case types, 1997  With ranking by industrial classification for work risk

In thousands
Industry 1  SIC Code2  Average Employment 3  Injuries And Illnesses total 4  Total 
Injuries And Illnesses
Work Days
Work Days
With Days away from Work 5
Injuries And Illnesses
Cases with out lost Work Days 
Total Injuries
Work Days
Work Days
With Days away from Work 5
Injuries Cases with out lost Work Days Work
Private industry6  101,666.50  6,145.60  2,866.20  1,833.40  3,279.40  5,715.80  2,682.60  1,746.50  3,033.20 
Agriculture, forestry, and fishing6  1,765.40  112.7 55.8  40.5  56.9  106.9  53.8  39  53.1
Agricultural production6  01+02  763.2  49  25.1  18.1  23.8  46.6  24.2  17.5  22.5 
Agricultural production —crops6  582.6  35.1  18.5  13.2  16.6  33.4  17.8  12.7  15.5  38
Agricultural production —livestock6  180.6  13.9  6.7  4.9  7.3  13.3  6.3  4.7  6.9  20
Agricultural services  964  61.8  29.6  21.4  32.2  58.4  28.6  20.6  29.9  34
Forestry  26  1.1  0.6  0.4  0.6  1.1  0.6  0.4  0.5  53
Fishing, hunting, and trapping  12.1  0.8  0.5  0.5  0.3  0.8  0.5  0.5  0.3  30
Mining7  595.9  36.3  23.1  18.1  –  35.1  22.6  17.7  – 
Metal mining7  10  53.4  2.3  1.3  0.8  2.2  1.3  0.8  0.9  51
Coal mining7  12  95.9  7.4  5.4  2.1  7.1  5.2  4.8  1.9  19
Oil and gas extraction  13  338  20.7  12.9  –  –  –  –  –  –  37
Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels7  14  108.6  5.9  3.6  2.7  2.3  5.7  3.5  2.7  2.2  42
Construction  5,637.10  492.5  230.7  189.9  261.7  485.6  227.4  187.1  258.3 
General building contractors  15  1,309.10  101.1  44.5  37  56.6  99.5  43.9  36.4  55.6  18
Heavy construction, except building  16  791.9  67.4  33  26.1  34.4  66.3  32.5  25.7  33.8  17
Special trade contractors  17  3,536.00  324  153.2  126.8  170.7  319.8  151  125.1  168.8  13
Manufacturing  18,656.90  1,921.40  901.9  446.1  1,019.50  1,662.10  785.4  405.4  876.7 
Durable goods  10,999.20  1,257.70  565.4  292.6  692.3  1,092.90  497.5  265.4  595.3 
Lumber and wood products  24  796.6  106.3  51.5  31.1  54.8  101.1  49.2  30.1  51.9  6
Furniture and fixtures  25  510.8  60.5  29.4  14.3  31  55.7  26.7  13.3 29  9
Stone, clay, and glass products  32  551.7  67  32.4  18.5  34.6  62.9  30.7  17.6  32.3  7
Primary metal industries  33  710.6  111.8  53.6  27.6  58.2  102.8  50.3  26.2  52.6  2
Fabricated metal products  34  1,479.70  213  95.6  53.6  117.4  196.2  88.7  49.9  107.5  4
Industrial machinery and equipment  35  2,166.50  223.1  91.7  51.1  131.4  203.9  83.3  47.3  120.6  10
Electronic and other electric equipment  36  1,689.30  111.4  51.9  24.7  59.4  90.1  41.7  20.8  48.4  32
Transportation equipment  37  1,840.60  290.5  124.4  53.6  166.1  220  99.2  44.9  120.8  1
Instruments and related products  38  862.6  41  19.3  10  21.7  30.8  14.4  8.1  16.4  36
Miscellaneous manufacturing industries  39  390.8  33.3  15.6  8.1  17.6  29.3  13.4  7.2  15.9  16
Nondurable goods  7,657.70  663.7  336.5  153.5  327.2  569.2  287.8  140  281.4 
Food and kindred products  20  1,690.70  245.4  135.1  53.8  110.3  197.8  107.3  49.3  90.5  3
Tobacco products  21  41.2  2.3  1.1  0.7  1.2  2.2  0.6  1.1  41
Textile mill products  22  616.3  41.9  19.4  6.6  22.5  35.9  17.5  6.1  18.4  27
Apparel and other textile products  23  821.7  54.3  24.4  12  29.9  42.5  19.3  9.8  23.2  31
Paper and allied products  26  684.4  52.4  26.6  13.5  25.7  48.6  25  12.7  23.6  21
Printing and publishing  27  1,543.50  81.2  39  24  42.1  73.9  35.3  22.1  38.5  45
Chemicals and allied products  28  1,034.30  50  24.5  11.2  25.6  43.9  22.1  10.2  21.8  48
Petroleum and coal products  29  139  6.3  3.2  1.9  3.1  3.1  1.8  50
Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products  30  996.1  120.9  59.5  28  61.4  111.5  54.4  25.7  57.1  8
Leather and leather products  31  90.4  9.1  3.7  1.9  5.4  7.1  1.7  4.1  12
Transportation and public utilities7  6,170.80  497.5  290.5  220.6  207  477.1  281.3  213.2  195.8 
Railroad transportation7  40  –  8.6  6.4  5.4  2.2  8.5  6.3  5.4  2.1  -
Local and interurban passenger transit  41  433.3  27  14.1  11.4  12.9  26.3  13.8  11.1  12.5  36
Trucking and warehousing  42  1,669.00  170.1  92.2  74.1  77.9  167.7  91.1  73.2  76.6  11
Water transportation  44  182.5  13.9  7.1  5.9  13.5  7.9  5.6  22
Transportation by air  45  1,146.80  156.4  105.8  80.1  50.6  150.8  102.7  77.3  48.2  5
Pipelines, except natural gas  46  14.3  0.5  0.2  0.1  0.4  0.5  0.2  0.1  0.3  57
Transportation services  47  437.2  15.9  7.9  5.3  8.1  14.9  7.5  7.4  56
Communications  48  1,419.40  45.6  26.2  19.6  19.4  39.6  23.2  17.3  16.4  58
Electric, gas, and sanitary services  49  867.2  59.5  29.8  17.6  29.7  55.3  28.7  16.8  26.6  25
Whole sale and retail trade  28,583.60  1,523.90  678.8  452.1  845  1,480.10  657.6  439.4  822.5 
Wholesaletrade  6,657.10  417  206.9  138.2  210  404.1  200.7  133.8  203.4 
Wholesaletrade  durablegoods  50  3,934.20  224.9  102.4  70.6  122.5  217.9  99.2  68.2  118.7  40
Wholesaletrade  nondurable goods  51  2,722.90  192  104.5  67.6  87.6  186.2  101.5  65.6  84.7  23
Retail trade  21,926.50  1,106.90  471.9  313.9  635  1,076.00  456.9  305.5  619.1 
Building materials and garden supplies  52  918.4  82.3  40.2  25.1  42.1  81.1  39.5  24.5  41.6  14
General merchandise stores  53  2,690.50  184  91  51.2  93  179.5  89  50.1  90.5  26
Foodstores  54  3,471.50  222.3  92  69.1  130.2  215.1  88.3  66.4  126.8  35
Automotive dealers and servicestations  55  2,304.00  134.9  50.8  39  84.1  132.9  50.2  38.4  82.8  39
Apparel and accessory stores  56  1,115.50  28.8  12.3  7.6  16.5  27.4  11.4  7.4  16.1  61
Furniture and home furnishings stores  57  994.3  39  20.8  14.1  18.2  38.2  20.2  13.6  18  55
Eating and drinking places  58  7,643.40  328.6  123.2  80.5  205.3  320.5  119.1  79.2  201.4  52
Miscellaneous retail  59  2,788.90  87  41.5  27.4  45.5  81.2  39.2  26  42  59
Finance, insurance, and realestate  6,952.20  142  54.2  42.7  87.8  124.6  47.6  37.8  77 
Depository institutions  60  2,025.50  33.1  10.8  8.4  22.4  28.8  7.3  19.8  69
Nondepository institutions  61  573.8  6.9  2.5  –  4.3  –  –  3.9  70
Security and commodity brokers  62  596.6  4.2  1.2  0.9  –  –  –  0.8  –  73
Insurance carriers  63  1,398.10  28.9  9.6  7.5  19.3  21.3  5.4  14.3  66
Insurance agents, brokers, and service  64  726.9  8.5  –  –  –  –  –  –  71
Real estate  65  1,412.40  56.6  26  20.9  30.6  54.5  25.2  20.2  29.3  54
Holding and other investment offices  67  218.8  3.8  1.1  0.8  –  –  –  0.8  –  68
Services  33,304.80  1,419.30  631  423.5  788.3  1,344.20 606.9  406.8  737.2 
Hotels and other lodging places  70  1,736.50  116.5  52.6  31.6  63.9  112.4  50.8  30.5  61.6  29
Personal services  72  1,190.00  35.7  16  11.3  19.7  33.6  14.9  10.4  18.6  60
Business services  73  8,004.70  185.1  88.7  59.3  96.4  175.6  85.5  57  90.1  63
Auto repair, services, and parking  75  1,119.50  60.4  27.4  –  –  –  –  –  –  44
Miscellaneous repair services  76  374.2  26.3  10  7.4  16.4  25.8  9.6  7.2  16.1  24
Motion pictures  78  546.4  12.3  3.8  2.6  8.5  11.9  3.7  2.5  8.2  64
Amusement and recreation services  79  1,600.30  88  39.6  19.7  48.4  83.7  37.7  19  46  42
Health services  80  9,659.20  652.8  287.8  194.8  365  613.7  278.5  188  335.2  28
Legal services  81  947.9  7.1  2.8  2.2  4.4  6.1  –  1.7  3.9  72
Educational services  82  1,532.00  32.9  12.9  10.2  20  31  12.4  9.8  18.6  65
Social services  83  2,450.10  120.8  56  38.6  64.7  116.6  54.4  37.5  62.2  47
Museums, botanical, zoological gardens  84  89.2  4.6  2.1  1.5  –  4.3  1.4  –  46
Membership organizations  86  1,003.20  23.4  8.8 7.3  14.6  22.1  8.2  6.7  14  62
Engineering and management services  87  3,002.20  52.7  21.9  14.7  30.8  47.9  19.8  13.2  28.1  67
Services, nec  89  49.6  0.6  0.4  0.3  –  0.5  0.4  0.3  –  71

The Disaster Center     Crime Statistics
1 Totals include data for industries not shown separately.
2 Standard Industrial Classification Manual, 1987 Edition.
3 Employment is expressed as an annual average and is derived primarily from the BLS-State Covered Employment and Wages program. Employment in private households (SIC 88) is excluded.
4 Total lost workday cases involve days away from work, or days of restricted
work activity, or both.
5 Days-away-from-work cases include those which result in days away from work with or without restricted work activity.
6 Excludes farms with fewer than 11 employees.
7 Data conforming to OSHA definitions for mining operators in coal, metal, and nonmetal mining and for employers in railroad transportation are provided to BLS by the Mine Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor; and the Federal Railroad Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation. Independent mining contractors are excluded from the coal, metal, and nonmetal mining industries.
NOTE: Because of rounding, components may not add to totals.
n.e.c. = not elsewhere classified. – Indicates data not available.
SOURCE: Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor
Copyright The Disaster Center