Table 3. Number of deaths and death rates, by age, race, and sex: United States, 2006
[Rates per 100,000 population in specified group. Populations used for computing death rates are postcensal estimates based on the 2000 census, estimated as of July 1, 2006; see "Technical Notes." Data for specified races other than white and black should be interpreted with caution because of inconsistencies between reporting race on death certificates and on censuses and surveys; see "Technical Notes"]
All races   White1   Black1   American Indian or Alaska Native1,2   Asian or Pacific Islander1,3
Age Both sexes Male Female   Both sexes Male Female   Both sexes Male Female   Both sexes Male Female   Both sexes Male Female
All ages 2,426,264 1,201,942 1,224,322 2,077,549 1,022,328 1,055,221 289,971 148,602 141,369 14,037 7,630 6,407 44,707 23,382 21,325
Under 1 year 28,527 15,980 12,547 18,403 10,345 8,058 8,858 4,886 3,972 393 242 151 873 507 366
1 - 4 years 4,631 2,541 2,090 3,233 1,781 1,452 1,144 633 511 94 51 43 160 76 84
5 - 9 years 2,735 1,551 1,184 1,961 1,111 850 631 369 262 39 20 19 104 51 53
10 - 14 years 3,414 2,074 1,340 2,499 1,528 971 763 462 301 52 27 25 100 57 43
15 - 19 years 13,739 9,918 3,821 10,142 7,168 2,974 2,952 2,309 643 291 195 96 354 246 108
20 - 24 years 21,148 16,152 4,996 15,729 12,007 3,722 4,531 3,484 1,047 373 283 90 515 378 137
25 - 29 years 20,897 15,181 5,716 15,214 11,114 4,100 4,875 3,506 1,369 327 242 85 481 319 162
30 - 34 years 22,055 15,007 7,048 15,913 10,969 4,944 5,170 3,413 1,757 381 250 131 591 375 216
35 - 39 years 31,499 20,131 11,368 23,227 15,107 8,120 7,040 4,268 2,772 497 325 172 735 431 304
40 - 44 years 51,544 32,019 19,525 38,833 24,663 14,170 10,890 6,253 4,637 755 459 296 1,066 644 422
45 - 49 years 79,268 49,018 30,250 60,500 38,112 22,388 16,254 9,391 6,863 904 563 341 1,610 952 658
50 - 54 years 105,763 66,154 39,609 81,469 51,569 29,900 21,165 12,721 8,444 1,033 636 397 2,096 1,228 868
55 - 59 years 133,053 81,373 51,680 105,462 64,935 40,527 23,782 14,168 9,614 1,089 658 431 2,720 1,612 1,108
60 - 64 years 148,348 87,614 60,734 121,646 72,226 49,420 22,614 13,030 9,584 1,137 636 501 2,951 1,722 1,229
65 - 69 years 171,883 98,721 73,162 142,813 82,594 60,219 24,208 13,369 10,839 1,257 687 570 3,605 2,071 1,534
70 - 74 years 218,210 119,444 98,766 185,765 102,331 83,434 26,918 14,218 12,700 1,195 608 587 4,332 2,287 2,045
75 - 79 years 297,710 154,227 143,483 261,623 136,662 124,961 29,260 14,144 15,116 1,245 607 638 5,582 2,814 2,768
80 - 84 years 369,628 173,088 196,540 331,393 156,342 175,051 30,742 13,178 17,564 1,297 549 748 6,196 3,019 3,177
85 years and over 701,992 241,578 460,414 641,545 221,622 419,923 48,142 14,778 33,364 1,676 591 1,085 10,629 4,587 6,042
Not stated 220 171 49 179 142 37 32 22 10 2 1 1 7 6 1
All ages4 810.4 814.8 806.1 858.1 852.3 863.9 733.0 786.7 684.0 438.5 477.1 399.9 307.4 330.6 285.6
Under 1 year5 690.7 756.3 622.0 576.0 632.7 516.5 1,303.1 1,407.1 1,194.6 878.0 1,057.8 689.9 414.7 469.7 356.9
1 - 4 years 28.4 30.5 26.3 25.5 27.5 23.5 43.3 47.1 39.4 54.4 58.1 50.5 19.6 18.1 21.1
5 - 9 years 13.9 15.4 12.3 12.8 14.1 11.4 19.9 22.9 16.8 15.4 15.5 * 11.0 10.7 11.4
10 - 14 years 16.6 19.6 13.3 15.6 18.6 12.5 22.4 26.7 17.9 18.3 18.7 17.8 10.6 11.8 9.3
15 - 19 years 64.4 90.7 36.8 61.1 84.1 36.9 84.7 130.8 37.4 95.5 126.1 63.9 37.4 50.4 23.5
20 - 24 years 100.2 148.0 49.0 94.8 139.3 46.6 142.0 215.7 66.5 126.8 186.7 63.1 50.1 72.1 27.2
25 - 29 years 100.9 143.4 56.5 93.6 132.3 52.2 163.9 242.0 89.8 125.3 177.7 68.1 39.4 53.0 26.2
30 - 34 years 111.9 150.4 72.5 103.3 138.7 65.9 192.9 268.0 124.9 167.7 212.9 119.4 42.6 55.2 30.5
35 - 39 years 148.7 189.0 107.9 137.8 176.1 98.1 252.6 324.7 188.2 221.0 284.2 155.6 55.9 67.2 45.2
40 - 44 years 229.3 285.9 173.1 214.0 269.8 157.3 373.1 457.3 298.9 320.7 391.4 250.5 90.4 112.4 69.6
45 - 49 years 347.7 435.3 262.2 323.7 408.3 239.3 576.3 715.6 455.0 398.9 510.8 292.9 151.8 188.7 118.3
50 - 54 years 516.4 659.7 378.9 479.5 612.8 348.7 892.9 1,171.2 657.4 539.6 688.7 400.6 225.7 283.4 175.3
55 - 59 years 730.1 920.0 551.0 686.5 861.2 518.0 1,232.7 1,625.1 909.1 696.2 869.8 533.6 350.6 450.2 265.2
60 - 64 years 1,110.2 1,373.6 869.7 1,064.0 1,309.5 835.1 1,750.2 2,302.6 1,319.8 1,082.8 1,271.0 911.4 554.8 696.3 431.8
65 - 69 years 1,656.6 2,040.2 1,321.4 1,607.4 1,973.1 1,281.6 2,409.9 3,132.8 1,876.0 1,664.5 1,926.1 1,430.3 877.4 1,087.8 695.7
70 - 74 years 2,554.8 3,117.5 2,097.0 2,519.6 3,060.0 2,071.0 3,371.9 4,373.3 2,683.8 2,188.0 2,465.9 1,959.3 1,372.7 1,663.5 1,148.2
75 - 79 years 4,033.4 4,944.6 3,366.6 4,020.7 4,914.2 3,353.8 4,902.4 6,329.2 4,048.5 3,204.4 3,549.3 2,933.2 2,340.7 2,882.9 1,965.0
80 - 84 years 6,524.0 7,942.7 5,637.2 6,550.9 7,982.5 5,646.4 7,275.3 9,021.0 6,352.9 5,050.6 5,261.1 4,906.5 3,905.0 4,707.6 3,360.5
85 years and over 13,253.1 14,309.1 12,759.0 13,480.4 14,576.8 12,965.7 12,489.7 13,206.0 12,196.7 6,927.3 7,540.2 6,633.7 8,298.9 9,524.7 7,560.2
* Figure does not meet standards of reliability or precision; see "Technical Notes."1Race categories are consistent with the 1977 Office of Management and Budget (OMB) standards. In 2006, multiple-race data were reported by 25 states and the District of Columbia; see "Technical Notes." The multiple-race data for these reporting areas were bridged to the single-race categories of the 1977 OMB standards for comparability with other reporting areas; see "Technical Notes."2Includes Aleuts and Eskimos.3Includes Chinese, Filipino, Hawaiian, Japanese, and Other Asian or Pacific Islander.4Figures for age not stated are included in "All ages" but not distributed among age groups.5Death rates for "Under 1 year" (based on population estimates) differ from infant mortality rates (based on live births); see "Technical Notes."  * Figure does not meet standards of reliability or precision; see "Technical Notes."
1Race categories are consistent with the 1977 Office of Management and Budget (OMB) standards.  In 2006, multiple-race data were reported by 25 states and the District of Columbia; see "Technical Notes." The multiple-race data for these reporting areas were bridged to the single-race categories of the 1977 OMB standards for comparability with other reporting areas; see "Technical Notes."
2Includes Aleuts and Eskimos.
3Includes Chinese, Filipino, Hawaiian, Japanese, and Other Asian or Pacific Islander.
4Figures for age not stated are included in "All ages" but not distributed among age groups.5Death rates for "Under 1 year" (based on population estimates) differ from infant mortality rates (based on live births); see "Technical Notes."

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May 2, 2009 -- CDC Just released :
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Death rates by 10-year age groups: United States and each State, 2004

Cardiac arrest can be treated by using a heartstart home defibrillator to return the heart to normal rhythm.

Deaths and death rates for the 10 leading causes of death For People 1 - 4 Years  5 - 14 Years  15 - 24 Years  25 - 44 Years  45 -64 Years  65 years and over

The 52 Infectious Diseases Designated as Notifiable at the National Level During 1997 by total,  by month,  with rate per Thousand People: United States
The Disaster Center

Death Rates for Twelve Age groups from
All causes
Diseases of heart (390-398,402,404-429)
Rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease (390-398)
Hypertensive heart disease -402
Hypertensive heart and renal disease -404
Ischemic heart disease (410-414)
Acute myocardial infarction -410
Other acute and subacute forms of ischemic heart disease -411
Angina pectoris -413
Old myocardial infarction and other forms of chronic ischemic heart disease -412,414
Other diseases of endocardium -424
All other forms of heart disease (415-423,425-429)
Malignant neoplasms, including neoplasms of lymphatic and hematopoietic tissues (140-208)
Malignant neoplasms of lip, oral cavity, and pharynx (140-149)
Malignant neoplasms of digestive organs and peritoneum (150-159)
Malignant neoplasms of respiratory and intrathoracic organs (160-165)
Malignant neoplasm of breast (174-175)
Malignant neoplasms of genital organs (179-187)
Malignant neoplasms of urinary organs (188-189)
Malignant neoplasms of all other and unspecified sites (170-173,190-199)
Leukemia (204-208)
Other malignant neoplasms of lymphatic and hematopoietic tissues (200-203)
Cerebrovascular diseases (430-438)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases and allied conditions (490-496)
Accidents and adverse effects (E800-E949)
Motor vehicle accidents (E810-E825)
All other accidents and adverse effects (E800-E807,E826-E949)
Pneumonia and influenza (480-487)
Diabetes mellitus -250
Human immunodeficiency virus infection (*042-*044)
Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis -571
Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis (580-589)
Septicemia -38
Alzheimer's disease 2 -331
Homicide and legal intervention (E960-E978)
Atherosclerosis -440
 Number of deaths and death rates, by age, race, and sex: United States, 1996 [Rates per 100,000 population in specified group.

The Disaster Center