Uniform Crime Reports and Index of Crime in Richardso in the State of Texas enforced by Richardson Pol from 1985 to 2005
Number of Violent Crimes Reported by Richardson Pol by Year and Total
Year  Population Murder/ Man-
Rape Robbery Aggravated Assault Total Violent Crime
2005 77,078 2 13 97 149 261
2004 77,548 2 13 96 144 255
2003 75,474 2 16 101 126 245
2002 74,086 0 16 96 170 282
2001 72,538 2 21 103 131 257
2000 70,929 1 13 103 163 280
1995 74,279 1 14 87 130 232
1990 69,077 2 22 107 126 257
1985 74,106 3 9 52 55 119
1980 65,578 2 11 57 36 106
Texas Counties
In 1930, the FBI assumed responsibility for managing the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) program, collecting data from 400 cities.  By 2006, over 15,000 law enforcement agencies submitted crime reports to the FBI, but since not all jurisdictions provide reports there is a possibility that you won't find complete data on some of our agency crime report pages.  In every case where the FBI has assigned a population to a jurisdiction, we are providing a page even though it may be blank. When a city located in a county starts submitting its own reports, the population assigned to the county is reduced to reflect that fact.  
Number of Property Crimes Reported by Richardson Pol by Year and Total
UCR Crime Statistics prepared by the:
The Disaster Center
in association with the:
The Rothstein Catalog on Disaster Recovery
Index of the State of Texas Uniform Crime Reports 

Index of United State's Crime Reports
Year  Population Burglary Larceny
Vehicle Theft Total Property Crime
2005 77,078 766 2,437 277 3,480
2004 77,548 732 2,514 281 3,527
2003 75,474 701 2,603 326 3,630
2002 74,086 718 2,497 328 3,543
2001 72,538 750 2,532 424 3,706
2000 70,929 779 2,525 292 3,596
1995 74,279 574 2,777 252 3,603
1990 69,077 1,124 3,035 413 4,572
1985 74,106 938 3,049 237 4,224
1980 65,578 1,206 2,681 233 4,120
The UCR can be presented here because of the hard work of law enforcement statisticians who must classify and score each crime according to the strict criteria developed for the UCR.   Some agency's crime reports do not have a population associated with them, these may include: the highway patrol, state police, a drug enforcement agency, an environmental enforcement agency, a transportation utility, colleges, and others.  Areas may have many agencies performing the same or different law enforcement functions, and a population can only be assigned once, so it is not possible to formulate a crime rate for every agency.  
Violent Crime Index base upon 100,000 People
Year  Population Murder/ Man-
Rape Robbery Aggravated Assault Total Violent Crime
2005 77,078 2.6 16.9 125.8 193.3 338.6
2004 77,548 2.6 16.8 123.8 185.7 328.8
2003 75,474 2.6 21.2 133.8 166.9 324.6
2002 74,086 0.0 21.6 129.6 229.5 380.6
2001 72,538 2.8 29.0 142.0 180.6 354.3
2000 70,929 1.4 18.3 145.2 229.8 394.8
1995 74,279 1.3 18.8 117.1 175.0 312.3
1990 69,077 2.9 31.8 154.9 182.4 372.0
1985 74,106 4.0 12.1 70.2 74.2 160.6
1980 65,578 3.0 16.8 86.9 54.9 161.6
Knowing the trend of the rate of crime can be an important measure of the social health of our communities.  An unusually high rate may be caused by an isolated tragic event, the location of the jurisdiction in an area with a large industrial zone or that serves as a tourist destination, and a low rate may be caused by the assignment of crimes to multiple agencies serving the same area, only one of which can be assigned the population, or an error in the number of crimes reported.
Property Crime Index per 100,000 People
Year  Population Burglary Larceny
Vehicle Theft Total Property Crime
2005 77,078 993.8 3,161.7 359.4 4,514.9
2004 77,548 943.9 3,241.9 362.4 4,548.2
2003 75,474 928.8 3,448.9 431.9 4,809.6
2002 74,086 969.1 3,370.4 442.7 4,782.3
2001 72,538 1,033.9 3,490.6 584.5 5,109.0
2000 70,929 1,098.3 3,559.9 411.7 5,069.9
1995 74,279 772.8 3,738.6 339.3 4,850.6
1990 69,077 1,627.2 4,393.6 597.9 6,618.7
1985 74,106 1,265.8 4,114.4 319.8 5,699.9
1980 65,578 1,839.0 4,088.3 355.3 6,282.6
The UCR does not include a record of every crime reported to law enforcement, and every agency does not submit data in the form that the FBI requests.  The most accurate number of crimes reported are those involving death.  The least accurate is the number of rapes that are reported. The the number of case of rape reported does not include attempted rapes.  Aggravated Assault does not include cases of simple assault, (which are the largest number of assaults reported to police) and so constitutes only a portion of the total number of reported assaults.  The number of Aggravated Assaults used here was arrived at by subtracting the number of Simple Assaults from the Total Assaults reported by each agency.  For a few agencies, this process resulted in the generation of a negative number (their UCR report wrongly indicates that there were more simple assaults than the total number of reported assaults).

The magnitude of a threat/risk is measured by its frequency and effect. By this definition crime may well constitute the single greatest risk/threat we face today.   If you have questions, comments, or suggestions, please see our FAQ page first at: http://www.disastercenter.com/UCR.html and feel free to post a message to host@disastercenter.com.  

National Criminal Victimization Survey, 1996 estimate that only  37% of rapes are reported to police

The Disaster Center provides online coverage of disasters in the United States, compiling and providing links to disaster related statistics and studies: US Crimes Data from 1960  Tornado, Nonfatal occupational Injuries and Illnesses, Fatal Occupational Injuries, Motor Vehicle Traffic Injury and Fatality Data,  Child Nursery Equipment and Toys: Accident Rates by Age, Sports & Recreational Equipment: Injuries by Age and Sex, Home, Heating, Plumbing, and Appliance: Injuries by Cause, Age, and Rate, Furniture, furnishings, household, and personal use items: Accident injury rates by AgeHome, Work Tools and Misc. Items: Accident Injury rates by Age. US Cause of Death Data US Anti--terrorism Threat/Risk Policy prior to September 11, 2001,  US Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Terrorism Policy prior to 9--11  Atlantic Hurricane pages and indexTotal student, Number of school--associated Violent Deaths and Number of Homicides and Suicides of Youth Ages 5–19, by Location: 1992–2002  Crimes and Indexes for USA Metropolitan Statistical Areas 

Index of the State of Texas Uniform Crime Reports ---- Index of United State's Crime Reports
The Disaster Center