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Internet Movie Database *****
ArtsEdge -- Kennedy Center*****
SPIRO -- Architecture Search*****
FAMSF-Art ImageBase *****
ArtPlanet-- Artist On Line****
Prints Database****
Cinema Festivals****
Oscars History Database****
World Wide Art Resources****
Internet for the Fine Arts -- Internet Art ****
Image Surfer Search Images****
Lycos' Pictures and Sounds****
Web Find Gallery Guide****
Art A-Z -- On the Intenet****
Art on the Net***
Arts Wire Database***
Perseus Art & Arch***
Getty Institute Database***
Smithsonian Institute***
World Wide Arts Publications***
SurfMadison -- Clip Art Graphics***
Virtual Image Archive***
Architronic WWW Search***
Classic/Mediterranean Architecture***
Icon Browser ***
Picons Search***
All-Movie Guide***

Two Star Search Engines

Bayly Art Museum**
BabyOil -- Search Images**
ArchINFORM Database**

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