Idaho Crime Rates 1960 - 2019
The data in the crime reports is derived from the annual Uniform Crime Reports issued by the FBI until 2020, at which time the FBI stopped releasing the annual reports in favor of its own electronic search engine.  The provides access to a variety of information including: 
A kindle version is available of the Supreme Court Ruling in: “NY RIFLE & PISTOL Assoc. Inc v. BRUEN, of NY State Police” as an Amazon Kindle Book and for those who prefer a book format as a paperback
A kindle version of the Supreme Court Ruling in Supreme Court in: 'DOBBS,. v. JACKSON: The ruling overturning Roe V Wade" is also available as an Amazon Kindle Book a paperback version is also available.
Idaho Population and Number of Crimes  1960 - 201

Larceny- Vehicle
Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Rape Robbery assault Burglary Theft Theft
1960 667,191 11,816 255 11,561 16 48 92 99 2,011 8,883 667
1961 684,000 12,738 222 12,516 14 44 64 100 2,203 9,540 773
1962 698,000 13,461 234 13,227 21 25 63 125 2,458 9,939 830
1963 713,000 13,406 362 13,044 18 39 87 218 2,405 9,939 700
1964 692,000 13,492 537 12,955 28 41 71 397 2,285 10,000 670
1965 692,000 13,719 493 13,226 14 38 70 371 2,483 10,035 708
1966 694,000 13,959 461 13,498 21 66 54 320 2,706 10,076 716
1967 699,000 13,321 478 12,843 30 61 76 311 2,837 9,217 789
1968 705,000 14,956 518 14,438 16 59 83 360 3,318 10,287 833
1969 718,000 19,589 806 18,783 14 72 120 600 4,236 13,603 944

Larceny- Vehicle
Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Rape Robbery assault Burglary Theft Theft
1970 713,008 22,494 879 21,615 33 88 146 612 4,803 15,784 1,028
1971 732,000 25,675 917 24,758 24 77 163 653 5,430 18,109 1,219
1972 756,000 25,858 1,085 24,773 29 118 156 782 5,705 17,678 1,390
1973 770,000 26,625 1,264 25,361 20 109 207 928 6,536 17,231 1,594
1974 799,000 32,620 1,465 31,155 45 128 303 989 8,004 21,441 1,710
1975 820,000 33,957 1,670 32,287 43 132 344 1,151 8,717 21,741 1,829
1976 831,000 35,488 1,884 33,604 44 155 332 1,353 8,615 23,076 1,913
1977 857,000 35,350 2,030 33,320 47 166 339 1,478 9,005 22,279 2,036
1978 878,000 35,250 2,076 33,174 47 169 351 1,509 9,117 21,917 2,140
1979 905,000 38,379 2,613 35,766 49 186 392 1,986 9,729 23,577 2,460

Larceny- Vehicle
Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Rape Robbery assault Burglary Theft Theft
1980 943,629 45,126 2,957 42,169 29 211 442 2,275 11,691 28,243 2,235
1981 959,000 43,450 2,717 40,733 43 198 362 2,114 11,255 27,423 2,055
1982 965,000 39,403 2,501 36,902 24 160 292 2,025 9,958 25,256 1,688
1983 989,000 38,233 2,361 35,872 35 181 270 1,875 9,206 24,979 1,687
1984 1,001,000 36,753 2,355 34,398 34 187 244 1,890 8,751 24,138 1,509
1985 1,005,000 39,276 2,360 36,916 22 192 269 1,877 8,917 26,170 1,829
1986 1,003,000 42,196 2,232 39,964 32 201 214 1,785 10,065 28,081 1,818
1987 998,000 41,480 2,138 39,342 31 175 242 1,690 9,748 27,923 1,671
1988 999,000 39,690 2,345 37,345 36 179 202 1,928 8,691 26,893 1,761
1989 1,014,000 39,860 2,582 37,278 26 236 152 2,168 8,843 26,825 1,610

Larceny- Vehicle
Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Rape Robbery assault Burglary Theft Theft
1990 1,006,749 40,845 2,776 38,069 27 275 151 2,323 8,187 28,216 1,666
1991 1,039,000 43,594 3,016 40,578 19 300 215 2,482 8,582 30,143 1,853
1992 1,067,000 42,639 3,003 39,636 37 339 229 2,398 7,934 30,023 1,679
1993 1,099,000 42,258 3,097 39,161 32 388 186 2,491 7,350 29,795 2,016
1994 1,133,000 46,192 3,238 42,954 40 316 209 2,673 8,147 32,597 2,210
1995 1,163,000 51,189 3,745 47,444 48 330 279 3,088 9,069 35,560 2,815
1996  1,189,000  47,709  3,177  44,532  43  313  241  2,580  8,431  33,872  2,229 
1997  1,210,000  47,495  3,107  44,388  39  350  237  2,481  9,175  32,784  2,429 
1998  1,229,000  45,653  3,468  42,185  36  386  264  2,782  8,518  31,385  2,282 
1999  1,251,700  39,429  3,066  36,363  25  417  223  2,401  7,641  26,824  1,898 

Larceny- Vehicle
Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Rape Robbery assault Burglary Theft Theft
2000  1,293,953 41,228  3,267  37,961  16  384  223  2,644  7,330  28,545  2,086 
2001  1,320,585  41,392  3,211  38,181  30  425 245  2,511  7,507  28,285  2,389 
2002  1,343,124  42,547  3,419  39,128  36  497  240  2,646  7,441  29,060  2,627 
2003  1,367,034  43,404  3,362  40,042  26  535  245  2,556  7,837  29,559  2,646 
2004  1,395,140  42,251  3,452  38,799  31  594  241  2,586  7,671  28,389  2,739 
2005  1,429,367 42,226  3,670  38,556  35  577  266  2,792  8,066  27,606  2,884 
2006  1,466,465  39,096  3,625  35,471  36  587  301  2,701  7,526  25,516  2,429
2007  1,499,402  37,274  3,589  33,685  49  578  233  2,729  6,977  24,482  2,226
2008  1,527,506  35,930  3,678  32,252  23  577  241  2,837  6,805  23,772  1,675
2009  1,545,801  35,025  3,805 31,220  24  575  254  2,952  6,682  23,066  1,472

Larceny- Vehicle
Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Rape Robbery assault Burglary Theft Theft
2010 1,571,102 34,900 3,464 31,436 22 533 213 2,696 6,513 23,594 1,329
2011 1,583,744 36,077 3,202 32,875 35 444 188 2,535 6,915 24,629 1,331
2012 1,595,590 35,173 3,348 31,825 30 495 243 2,580 7,240 23,203 1,382
2013 1,612,843 33,701 3,471 30,230 29 516 220 2,548 6,693 21,999 1,538
2014 1,634,806 33,879 3,439 30,440 32 463 203 2,559 6,466 22,297 1,677
2015 1,652,828 32,505 3,593 28,912 32 508 191 2,667 6,124 20,916 1,872
2016 1,683,140 33,233 3,876 29,357 49 529 213 2,895 6,318 20,962 2,077
2017 1,718,904 32,668 4,111 28,557 42 755 222 3,092 5,837 20,570 2,150
2018 1,750,536 30,018 4,196 25,822 34 927 195 3,040 4,990 18,876 1,956
2019 1,787,065 25,793 4,000 21,793 35 809 155 3,001 3,927 16,295 1,571
Compiled by the
From: FBI UCS Annual Crime Reports
The Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program is the starting place for those seeking information on crime in the nation. The UCR is produced from data received from over 18,000 law enforcement agencies voluntarily participating in the program. .
Idaho Population and Rate of Crime per 100,000 People  1960 - 2019

Larceny- Vehicle
Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Rape Robbery assault Burglary Theft Theft
1960 667,191 1,771.0 38.2 1,732.8 2.4 7.2 13.8 14.8 301.4 1,331.4 100.0
1961 684,000 1,862.3 32.5 1,829.8 2.0 6.4 9.4 14.6 322.1 1,394.7 113.0
1962 698,000 1,928.5 33.5 1,895.0 3.0 3.6 9.0 17.9 352.1 1,423.9 118.9
1963 713,000 1,880.2 50.8 1,829.5 2.5 5.5 12.2 30.6 337.3 1,394.0 98.2
1964 692,000 1,949.7 77.6 1,872.1 4.0 5.9 10.3 57.4 330.2 1,445.1 96.8
1965 692,000 1,982.5 71.2 1,911.3 2.0 5.5 10.1 53.6 358.8 1,450.1 102.3
1966 694,000 2,011.4 66.4 1,945.0 3.0 9.5 7.8 46.1 389.9 1,451.9 103.2
1967 699,000 1,905.7 68.4 1,837.3 4.3 8.7 10.9 44.5 405.9 1,318.6 112.9
1968 705,000 2,121.4 73.5 2,047.9 2.3 8.4 11.8 51.1 470.6 1,459.1 118.2
1969 718,000 2,728.3 112.3 2,616.0 1.9 10.0 16.7 83.6 590.0 1,894.6 131.5

Larceny- Vehicle
Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Rape Robbery assault Burglary Theft Theft
1970 713,008 3,154.8 123.3 3,031.5 4.6 12.3 20.5 85.8 673.6 2,213.7 144.2
1971 732,000 3,507.5 125.3 3,382.2 3.3 10.5 22.3 89.2 741.8 2,473.9 166.5
1972 756,000 3,420.4 143.5 3,276.9 3.8 15.6 20.6 103.4 754.6 2,338.4 183.9
1973 770,000 3,457.8 164.2 3,293.6 2.6 14.2 26.9 120.5 848.8 2,237.8 207.0
1974 799,000 4,082.6 183.4 3,899.2 5.6 16.0 37.9 123.8 1,001.8 2,683.5 214.0
1975 820,000 4,141.1 203.7 3,937.4 5.2 16.1 42.0 140.4 1,063.0 2,651.3 223.0
1976 831,000 4,270.5 226.7 4,043.8 5.3 18.7 40.0 162.8 1,036.7 2,776.9 230.2
1977 857,000 4,124.9 236.9 3,888.0 5.5 19.4 39.6 172.5 1,050.8 2,599.6 237.6
1978 878,000 4,014.8 236.4 3,778.4 5.4 19.2 40.0 171.9 1,038.4 2,496.2 243.7
1979 905,000 4,240.8 288.7 3,952.0 5.4 20.6 43.3 219.4 1,075.0 2,605.2 271.8

Larceny- Vehicle
Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Rape Robbery assault Burglary Theft Theft
1980 943,629 4,782.2 313.4 4,468.8 3.1 22.4 46.8 241.1 1,238.9 2,993.0 236.9
1981 959,000 4,530.8 283.3 4,247.4 4.5 20.6 37.7 220.4 1,173.6 2,859.5 214.3
1982 965,000 4,083.2 259.2 3,824.0 2.5 16.6 30.3 209.8 1,031.9 2,617.2 174.9
1983 989,000 3,865.8 238.7 3,627.1 3.5 18.3 27.3 189.6 930.8 2,525.7 170.6
1984 1,001,000 3,671.6 235.3 3,436.4 3.4 18.7 24.4 188.8 874.2 2,411.4 150.7
1985 1,005,000 3,908.1 234.8 3,673.2 2.2 19.1 26.8 186.8 887.3 2,604.0 182.0
1986 1,003,000 4,207.0 222.5 3,984.4 3.2 20.0 21.3 178.0 1,003.5 2,799.7 181.3
1987 998,000 4,156.3 214.2 3,942.1 3.1 17.5 24.2 169.3 976.8 2,797.9 167.4
1988 999,000 3,973.0 234.7 3,738.2 3.6 17.9 20.2 193.0 870.0 2,692.0 176.3
1989 1,014,000 3,931.0 254.6 3,676.3 2.6 23.3 15.0 213.8 872.1 2,645.5 158.8

Larceny- Vehicle
Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Rape Robbery assault Burglary Theft Theft
1990 1,006,749 4,057.1 275.7 3,781.4 2.7 27.3 15.0 230.7 813.2 2,802.7 165.5
1991 1,039,000 4,195.8 290.3 3,905.5 1.8 28.9 20.7 238.9 826.0 2,901.2 178.3
1992 1,067,000 3,996.2 281.4 3,714.7 3.5 31.8 21.5 224.7 743.6 2,813.8 157.4
1993 1,099,000 3,845.1 281.8 3,563.3 2.9 35.3 16.9 226.7 668.8 2,711.1 183.4
1994 1,133,000 4,077.0 285.8 3,791.2 3.5 27.9 18.4 235.9 719.1 2,877.1 195.1
1995 1,163,000 4,401.5 322.0 4,079.4 4.1 28.4 24.0 265.5 779.8 3,057.6 242.0
1996  1,189,000  4,012.5  267.2  3,745.3  3.6  26.3  20.3  217.0  709.1  2,848.8  187.5 
1997  1,210,000  3,925.2  256.8  3,668.4  3.2  28.9  19.6  205.0  758.3  2,709.4  200.7 
1998  1,229,000  3,714.6  282.2  3,432.5  2.9  31.4  21.5  226.4  693.1  2,553.7  185.7 
1999  1,251,700  3,150.0  244.9  2,905.1  2.0  33.3  17.8  191.8  610.4 2,143.0  151.6 

Larceny- Vehicle
Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Rape Robbery assault Burglary Theft Theft
2000  1,293,953  3,186.2  252.5  2,933.7  1.2  29.7 17.2 204.3  566.5  2,206.0  161.2 
2001  1,320,585  3,134.4  243.1  2,891.2  2.3  32.2  18.6 190.1  568.5  2,141.9 180.9 
2002  1,343,124  3,167.8  254.6  2,913.2  2.7  37.0  17.9  197.0  554.0  2,163.6  195.6 
2003 1,367,034  3,175.0  245.9  2,929.1  1.9  39.1  17.9  187.0  573.3  2,162.3  193.6 
2004  1,395,140  3,028.4  247.4 2,781.0  2.2  42.6  17.3 185.4  549.8 2,034.8  196.3 
2005  1,429,367  2,954.2  256.8  2,697.4  2.4  40.4 18.6 195.3  564.3 1,931.7  201.8 
2006  1,466,465  2,666.0  247.2 2,418.8  2.5  40.0 20.5 184.2  513.2  1,740.0  165.6 
2007  1,499,402  2,486.0  239.4 2,246.6  3.3  38.5 15.5 182.0  465.3  1,632.8  148.5 
2008  1,527,506  2,352.2  240.8 2,111.4  1.5  37.8 15.8 185.7  445.5  1,556.3  109.7 
2009  1,545,801  2,265.9 246.2 2,019.7  1.6 37.2 16.4 191.0 432.3  1,492.2 95.2

Larceny- Vehicle
Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Rape Robbery assault Burglary Theft Theft
2010 1,571,102 2,221.4 220.5 2,000.9 1.4 33.9 13.6 171.6 414.5 1,501.7 84.6
2011 1,583,744 2,278.0 202.2 2,075.8 2.2 28.0 11.9 160.1 436.6 1,555.1 84.0
2012 1,595,590 2,204.4 209.8 1,994.6 1.9 31.0 15.2 161.7 453.8 1,454.2 86.6
2013 1,612,843 2,089.5 215.2 1,874.3 1.8 32.0 13.6 158.0 415.0 1,364.0 95.4
2014 1,634,806 2,072.4 210.4 1,862.0 2.0 28.3 12.4 156.5 395.5 1,363.9 102.6
2015 1,652,828 1,966.6 217.4 1,749.2 1.9 30.7 11.6 161.4 370.5 1,265.5 113.3
2016 1,683,140 1,974.5 230.3 1,744.2 2.9 31.4 12.7 172.0 375.4 1,245.4 123.4
2017 1,718,904 1,900.5 239.2 1,661.3 2.4 43.9 12.9 179.9 339.6 1,196.7 125.1
2018 1,750,536 1,714.8 239.7 1,475.1 1.9 53.0 11.1 173.7 285.1 1,078.3 111.7
2019 1,787,065 1,443.3 223.8 1,219.5 2.0 45.3 8.7 167.9 219.7 911.8 87.9 developed the  following table to rank the rates of crime in Idaho over time in relation to the rates of crime of other States .  This new way to examine fluctuations in the crime rate reveals patterns that are important for law enforcement executives, students of criminal justice, researchers, members of the media, and the public at large seeking information on crime in the nation. The crime "Index" is made up of the total number of violent and property crimes.  Since most crime is property related the crime index gives more weight to property crime. 
Idaho Population and Rate of Crime Rank Compared to other States
State Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Rape Robbery Assault Burglary Larceny Vehicle
Idaho 1960 41 20 40 20 35 25 39 43 36 13 38
Idaho 1961 40 20 43 20 36 28 43 43 37 10 35
Idaho 1962 41 18 43 17 30 42 41 40 32 10 34
Idaho 1963 40 23 39 22 34 35 40 35 38 13 41
Idaho 1964 42 29 37 27 25 38 44 30 40 15 43
Idaho 1965 43 28 40 25 41 38 45 35 41 16 42
Idaho 1966 42 31 43 30 33 30 47 39 40 20 44
Idaho 1967 42 37 45 36 28 33 45 45 45 29 43
Idaho 1968 41 38 45 35 45 37 46 43 45 30 44
Idaho 1969 41 29 39 28 47 39 43 34 37 19 44
State Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Rape Robbery Assault Burglary Larceny Vehicle
Idaho 1970 42 29 40 28 34 32 44 37 38 16 44
Idaho 1971 42 27 43 24 37 42 44 40 37 15 41
Idaho 1972 42 23 42 22 37 33 46 38 36 14 40
Idaho 1973 42 29 41 26 44 40 45 31 37 18 40
Idaho 1974 42 30 40 26 34 36 43 36 38 17 42
Idaho 1975 41 34 43 33 37 39 44 36 38 28 42
Idaho 1976 41 31 37 31 33 32 42 33 35 26 39
Idaho 1977 41 31 37 29 33 35 44 32 36 27 41
Idaho 1978 41 35 39 35 34 36 44 34 37 30 39
Idaho 1979 41 41 38 39 34 39 43 29 38 37 39
State Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Rape Robbery Assault Burglary Larceny Vehicle
Idaho 1980 41 36 35 38 42 39 43 27 36 27 42
Idaho 1981 40 38 38 37 36 41 45 29 36 32 41
Idaho 1982 40 40 38 40 43 42 47 30 38 38 46
Idaho 1983 40 40 38 39 41 43 45 30 39 35 42
Idaho 1984 40 40 39 40 38 45 45 31 37 35 46
Idaho 1985 40 38 40 37 45 44 43 33 39 29 40
Idaho 1986 41 35 43 32 41 44 47 37 33 28 41
Idaho 1987 42 37 43 34 41 47 46 38 34 32 43
Idaho 1988 42 40 42 41 37 47 46 37 36 37 44
Idaho 1989 42 41 42 41 44 43 48 33 36 38 45
State Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Rape Robbery Assault Burglary Larceny Vehicle
Idaho 1990 42 42 42 42 44 41 47 36 38 37 46
Idaho 1991 42 40 40 39 47 40 45 35 39 31 43
Idaho 1992 42 41 40 41 41 36 46 36 39 30 45
Idaho 1993 42 43 41 42 46 29 47 37 41 32 44
Idaho 1994 42 39 40 37 38 38 47 36 40 27 43
Idaho 1995 41 36 40 33 36 35 47 32 36 23 42
Idaho 1996 40 37 41 36 38 41 47 35 36 30 44
Idaho 1997 40 36 42 34 37 34 47 38 30 31 43
Idaho 1998 40 35 40 34 39 29 44 32 29 32 44
Idaho 1999 40 42 42 40 45 23 46 36 32 37 46
State Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Rape Robbery Assault Burglary Larceny Vehicle
Idaho 2000 39 38 42 37 47 29 48 34 34 35 45
Idaho 2001 39 39 43 37 41 25 46 36 33 37 43
Idaho 2002 39 37 42 37 37 21 47 32 36 35 44
Idaho 2003 39 37 44 36 44 16 46 34 34 34 42
Idaho 2004 39 36 41 36 44 9 46 34 36 34 42
Idaho 2005 39 36 40 36 39 14 47 30 34 35 42
Idaho 2006 39 43 42 43 38 13 45 31 37 42 44
Idaho 2007 39 45 42 45 33 14 47 32 40 44 44
Idaho 2008 39 47 45 47 48 14 48 33 42 47 47
Idaho 2009 39 48 42 47 45 13 48 31 41 47 47
State Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Rape Robbery Assault Burglary Larceny Vehicle
Idaho 2010 39 48 44 47 47 18 47 34 43 47 47
Idaho 2011 39 48 46 47 42 30 50 34 42 42 49
Idaho 2012 39 50 45 49 43 20 49 34 40 49 47
Idaho 2013 39 50 44 49 47 23 48 34 39 49 46
Idaho 2014 39 48 44 47 44 25 48 35 33 48 45
Idaho 2015 39 47 46 46 44 19 49 38 35 47 43
Idaho 2016 39 44 45 43 36 19 49 37 34 47 43
State Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Rape Robbery Assault Burglary Larceny Vehicle
Since we developed the table of "Idaho Population and Rate of Crime Rank Compared to other States", we are interested in hearing how others are using the table.  Email:

* United States Alaska* Alabama * Arkansas * Arizona * California * Colorado * ConnecticutDelaware Florida * Georgia * Hawaii * Iowa * Idaho * Illinois * Indiana * Kansas * Kentucky * Louisiana * Massachusetts * Maryland * Maine * Michigan * Minnesota * Missouri * Mississippi * Montana * North Carolina * North Dakota * Nebraska * New Hampshire * New Jersey * New Mexico * Nevada * New York * Ohio * Oklahoma * Oregon * Pennsylvania * Rhode Island * South Carolina * South Dakota * Tennessee * Texas * Utah * Virginia * Vermont * Washington D. C. * Washington * Wisconsin * West Virginia * Wyoming *

Copyright 1997-2016

Rate Per 100,000 and Rank by State of Crime by US States 1960 - 1977
1960 * 1961 * 1962 * 1963 * 1964 * 1965 * 1966 * 1967 * 1968 * 1969 * 1970 * 1971 * 1972 * 1973 * 1974 * 1975 * 1976 * 1977 *
Rate Per 100,000 and Rank by State of Crime and Imprisonment by US States 1978 - 2012
19781979 * 1980 * 1981 * 1982 * 1983 * 1984 * 1985 * 1986 * 1987 * 1988 * 1989 * 1990 * 1991 * 1992 * 1993 * 1994 * 1995 * 1996 * 1997 * 1998 * 1999 * 2000 * 2001 * 2002 * 2003 * 2004 * 2005 * 2006 * 2007 * 2008 * 2009 * 2010 * 2011 * 2012 *2013 *

Crime, Punishment and Ratio of Crime to Punishment Per 100,000 and Rank by Year and between States

Alaska -   Alabama  -  Arkansas  -  Arizona  -  California  -  Colorado  -  Connecticut -    Delaware  -    Florida  -  Georgia  -  Hawaii  -  Iowa -  Idaho  -  Illinois  -  Indiana -  Kansas -  Kentucky  -  Louisiana  -  Massachusetts  -  Maryland  -   Maine  - Michigan  -  Minnesota  -  Missouri  -  Mississippi  -  Montana -  North Carolina -  North Dakota  -  Nebraska  -  New Hampshire  -  New Jersey  -  New Mexico  -  Nevada  -  New York -  Ohio  -  Oklahoma -  Oregon  -  Pennsylvania -  Rhode Island  -  South Carolina  -  South Dakota  -  Tennessee  -  Texas  -  Utah  -  Virginia  -  Vermont  -  Washington  -  Wisconsin  -  West Virginia  -  Wyoming  

Rate and Rank of Crimes in the United States 1960 to 2013 Violent Crime Property Crime Rape Robbery Assault Burglary Larceny Theft Motor Vehicle Theft