Alaska Crime Rates 1960 - 2019
The data in the crime reports is derived from the annual Uniform Crime Reports issued by the FBI until 2020, at which time the FBI stopped releasing the annual reports in favor of its own electronic search engine.  The provides access to a variety of information including: 
A kindle version is available of the Supreme Court Ruling in: “NY RIFLE & PISTOL Assoc. Inc v. BRUEN, of NY State Police” as an Amazon Kindle Book and for those who prefer a book format as a paperback
A kindle version of the Supreme Court Ruling in Supreme Court in: 'DOBBS,. v. JACKSON: The ruling overturning Roe V Wade" is also available as an Amazon Kindle Book a paperback version is also available.
Alaska Population and Number of Crimes  1960 - 2019

Larceny- Vehicle
Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Rape Robbery assault Burglary Theft Theft
1960  226,167 3,730 236 3,494 23 47 64 102 751 2,195 548
1961 234,000 3,813 208 3,605 27 31 29 121 891 2,223 491
1962 246,000 4,074 225 3,849 11 46 34 134 865 2,424 560
1963 248,000 5,115 272 4,843 16 37 55 164 946 3,010 887
1964 250,000 5,415 375 5,040 26 56 53 240 1,109 3,046 885
1965 253,000 6,587 377 6,210 16 45 101 215 1,403 3,777 1,030
1966 272,000 7,577 409 7,168 35 53 98 223 1,613 4,354 1,201
1967 272,000 7,846 437 7,409 26 48 96 267 1,873 4,436 1,100
1968 277,000 9,199 486 8,713 29 60 146 251 2,070 5,307 1,336
1969 282,000 10,942 624 10,318 30 83 190 321 2,455 6,195 1,668

Larceny- Vehicle
Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Rape Robbery assault Burglary Theft Theft
1970 302,173 11,488 840 10,648 37 79 217 507 2,387 6,595 1,666
1971 313,000 13,035 1,112 11,923 42 136 210 724 2,656 7,631 1,636
1972 325,000 14,555 1,204 13,351 31 136 216 821 3,155 8,577 1,619
1973 330,000 16,313 1,269 15,044 33 147 221 868 3,852 9,456 1,736
1974 337,000 17,658 1,527 16,131 46 166 298 1,017 3,932 10,016 2,183
1975 352,000 21,812 1,900 19,912 43 157 456 1,244 4,275 12,399 3,238
1976 382,000 23,763 2,063 21,700 43 179 477 1,364 4,653 13,969 3,078
1977 407,000 24,005 1,804 22,201 44 210 394 1,156 5,420 13,715 3,066
1978 403,000 24,366 1,781 22,585 52 224 368 1,137 5,397 14,522 2,666
1979 406,000 25,187 1,994 23,193 54 292 445 1,203 5,616 15,076 2,501

Larceny- Vehicle
Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Rape Robbery assault Burglary Theft Theft
1980 440,142 24,849 1,919 22,930 39 250 360 1,270 5,545 14,916 2,469
1981 412,000 27,171 2,537 24,634 60 421 472 1,584 5,479 16,310 2,845
1982 438,000 27,211 2,732 24,479 81 374 586 1,691 5,204 16,672 2,603
1983 479,000 28,829 2,940 25,889 66 486 465 1,923 5,720 17,085 3,084
1984 500,000 30,576 3,108 27,468 58 458 547 2,045 6,184 18,140 3,144
1985 521,000 30,619 3,031 27,588 51 402 484 2,094 6,209 18,220 3,159
1986 534,000 33,353 3,046 30,307 46 388 470 2,142 6,204 20,879 3,224
1987 525,000 28,232 2,391 25,841 53 341 384 1,613 5,093 18,195 2,553
1988 513,000 25,248 2,682 22,566 29 296 374 1,983 4,321 15,911 2,334
1989 527,000 25,190 2,623 22,567 42 279 356 1,946 4,358 15,811 2,398

Larceny- Vehicle
Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Rape Robbery assault Burglary Theft Theft
1990 550,043 28,342 2,885 25,457 41 401 422 2,021 4,919 17,428 3,110
1991 570,000 32,499 3,499 29,000 42 523 645 2,289 5,582 20,375 3,043
1992 587,000 32,693 3,877 28,816 44 579 640 2,614 5,170 20,728 2,918
1993 599,000 33,352 4,557 28,795 54 502 733 3,268 4,893 21,201 2,701
1994 606,000 34,591 4,644 29,947 38 418 886 3,302 4,848 21,824 3275
1995 604,000 34,753 4,656 30,097 55 485 937 3,179 5,055 21,891 3,151
1996  607,000  33,084  4,417  28,667  45  398  710  3,264  5,118  20,557  2,992 
1997  609,000  32,110  4,270  27,840  54  403  648  3,165  4,276  20,780  2,784 
1998  614,000  29,331  4,015  25,316  41  421  532  3,021  4,098  18,611  2,607 
1999  619,500  27,007  3,908  23,099  52  517  566  2,773  3,787  16,654  2,658 

Larceny- Vehicle
Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Rape Robbery assault Burglary Theft Theft
2000  626,932  26,641  3,554  23,087  27  497  490  2,540  3,899  16,838  2,350 
2001  633,630  26,895  3,735  23,160  39  501  514  2,681 3,847  16,695  2,618
2002  641,482  28,133 4,015  24,118  33  511  489  2,594  3,908  17,739  2,471 
2003  648,280  28,263 3,877  24,386  39  605  446  2,787  3,874  18,051  2,461 
2004  657,755  26,331  4,159  22,172  37 558  447  3,117  3,773  16,159  2,240 
2005 663,253 28,170 4,194 23,975 32 538 537 3,087 4,131 17,249 2,595
2006 670,053 28,765 4,610 24,155 36 509 605 3,406 4,136 17,490 2,529
2007 683,478 27,617 4,519 23,098 44 529 583 3,363 3,682 16,998 2,418
2008 688,125 24,576 4,479 20,097 27 445 644 3,363 3,232 15,235 1,630
2009 698,473 24,952 4,424 20,538 22 513 654 3,235 3,600 15,251 1,687

Larceny- Vehicle
Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Rape* Robbery assault Burglary Theft Theft
2010 714,146 24,796 4,537 20,259 31 533 594 3,379 3,105 15,535 1,619
2011 723,860 23,510 4,416 19,094 30 436 576 3,374 2,852 14,854 1,388
2012 730,307 24,449 4,412 20,037 30 583 630 3,169 2,950 15,565 1,522
2013 737,259 25,920 4,709 21,211 34 657 623 3,127 2,917 16,599 1,695
2014 737,046 25,018 4,684 20,334 41 553 629 3,243 3,150 15,445 1,739
2015 737,709 26,197 5,391 20,806 59 648 761 3,671 3,511 15,249 2,046
2016 741,522 30,842 5,966 24,876 52 *1,053* 850 4,011 4,053 17,766 3,057
2017 739,795 32,337 6,133 26,204 62 *863* 951 4,257 4,171 17,775 4,258
2017 739,786 32,541 6,338 26,203 62 1,074 952 4,250 4,167 17,782 4,254
2018 735,139 30,900 6,555 24,345 47 1,212 896 4,400 3,985 16,364 3,996
2019 731,545 27,637 6,343 21,294 69 1,088 826 4,360 3,563 15,114 2,617
Year Population Index Violent Property Murder *Forcible Robbery Aggravated Burglary Larceny Vehicle

Theft Theft
2020 731,158 22,654 6,126 16,528 49 1,132 712 4,233 2,775 11,784 1,969
*Forcible Rape*
For the year 2016 and beyond the FBI report includes all genders of rape in the Forcible Rape category.  Prior to 2016 rape reports counted were by females only.
The Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program is the starting place for those seeking information on crime in the nation. The UCR is produced from data received from over 18,000 law enforcement agencies voluntarily participating in the program. .
Alaska Population and Rate of Crime per 100,000 People  1960 - 2019

Larceny- Vehicle
Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Rape Robbery assault Burglary Theft Theft
1960 226,167 1,649.2 104.3 1,544.9 10.2 20.8 28.3 45.1 332.1 970.5 242.3
1961 234,000 1,629.5 88.9 1,540.6 11.5 13.2 12.4 51.7 380.8 950.0 209.8
1962 246,000 1,656.1 91.5 1,564.6 4.5 18.7 13.8 54.5 351.6 985.4 227.6
1963 248,000 2,062.5 109.7 1,952.8 6.5 14.9 22.2 66.1 381.5 1,213.7 357.7
1964 250,000 2,166.0 150.0 2,016.0 10.4 22.4 21.2 96.0 443.6 1,218.4 354.0
1965 253,000 2,603.6 149.0 2,454.5 6.3 17.8 39.9 85.0 554.5 1,492.9 407.1
1966 272,000 2,785.7 150.4 2,635.3 12.9 19.5 36.0 82.0 593.0 1,600.7 441.5
1967 272,000 2,884.6 160.7 2,723.9 9.6 17.6 35.3 98.2 688.6 1,630.9 404.4
1968 277,000 3,320.9 175.5 3,145.5 10.5 21.7 52.7 90.6 747.3 1,915.9 482.3
1969 282,000 3,880.1 221.3 3,658.9 10.6 29.4 67.4 113.8 870.6 2,196.8 591.5

Larceny- Vehicle
Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Rape Robbery assault Burglary Theft Theft
1970 302,173 3,801.8 278.0 3,523.8 12.2 26.1 71.8 167.8 789.9 2,182.5 551.3
1971 313,000 4,164.5 355.3 3,809.3 13.4 43.5 67.1 231.3 848.6 2,438.0 522.7
1972 325,000 4,478.5 370.5 4,108.0 9.5 41.8 66.5 252.6 970.8 2,639.1 498.2
1973 330,000 4,943.3 384.5 4,558.8 10.0 44.5 67.0 263.0 1,167.3 2,865.5 526.1
1974 337,000 5,239.8 453.1 4,786.6 13.6 49.3 88.4 301.8 1,166.8 2,972.1 647.8
1975 352,000 6,196.6 539.8 5,656.8 12.2 44.6 129.5 353.4 1,214.5 3,522.4 919.9
1976 382,000 6,220.7 540.1 5,680.6 11.3 46.9 124.9 357.1 1,218.1 3,656.8 805.8
1977 407,000 5,898.0 443.2 5,454.8 10.8 51.6 96.8 284.0 1,331.7 3,369.8 753.3
1978 403,000 6,046.2 441.9 5,604.2 12.9 55.6 91.3 282.1 1,339.2 3,603.5 661.5
1979 406,000 6,203.7 491.1 5,712.6 13.3 71.9 109.6 296.3 1,383.3 3,713.3 616.0

Larceny- Vehicle
Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Rape Robbery assault Burglary Theft Theft
1980 440,142 5,645.7 436.0 5,209.7 8.9 56.8 81.8 288.5 1,259.8 3,388.9 561.0
1981 412,000 6,594.9 615.8 5,979.1 14.6 102.2 114.6 384.5 1,329.9 3,958.7 690.5
1982 438,000 6,212.6 623.7 5,588.8 18.5 85.4 133.8 386.1 1,188.1 3,806.4 594.3
1983 479,000 6,018.6 613.8 5,404.8 13.8 101.5 97.1 401.5 1,194.2 3,566.8 643.8
1984 500,000 6,115.2 621.6 5,493.6 11.6 91.6 109.4 409.0 1,236.8 3,628.0 628.8
1985 521,000 5,877.0 581.8 5,295.2 9.8 77.2 92.9 401.9 1,191.7 3,497.1 606.3
1986 534,000 6,245.9 570.4 5,675.5 8.6 72.7 88.0 401.1 1,161.8 3,909.9 603.7
1987 525,000 5,377.5 455.4 4,922.1 10.1 65.0 73.1 307.2 970.1 3,465.7 486.3
1988 513,000 4,921.6 522.8 4,398.8 5.7 57.7 72.9 386.5 842.3 3,101.6 455.0
1989 527,000 4,779.9 497.7 4,282.2 8.0 52.9 67.6 369.3 826.9 3,000.2 455.0

Larceny- Vehicle
Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Rape Robbery assault Burglary Theft Theft
1990 550,043 5,152.7 524.5 4,628.2 7.5 72.9 76.7 367.4 894.3 3,168.5 565.4
1991 570,000 5,701.6 613.9 5,087.7 7.4 91.8 113.2 401.6 979.3 3,574.6 533.9
1992 587,000 5,569.5 660.5 4,909.0 7.5 98.6 109.0 445.3 880.7 3,531.2 497.1
1993 599,000 5,567.9 760.8 4,807.2 9.0 83.8 122.4 545.6 816.9 3,539.4 450.9
1994 606,000 5,708.1 766.3 4,941.7 6.3 69.0 146.2 544.9 800.0 3,601.3 540.4
1995 604,000 5,753.8 770.9 4,982.9 9.1 80.3 155.1 526.3 836.9 3,624.3 521.7
1996  607,000  5,450.4  727.7  4,722.7  7.4  65.6  117.0  537.7  843.2  3,386.7  492.9 
1997  609,000  5,272.6  701.1  4,571.4  8.9  66.2  106.4  519.7  702.1  3,412.2  457.1 
1998  614,000  4,777.0  653.9  4,123.1  6.7  68.6  86.6  492.0  667.4  3,031.1  424.6 
1999  619,500  4,359.5  630.8  3,728.7  8.4 83.5  91.4  447.6  611.3  2,688.3  429.1 

Larceny- Vehicle
Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Rape Robbery assault Burglary Theft Theft
2000  626,932  4,249.4  566.9  3,682.5  4.3 70.3  78.2  405.1  621.9  2,685.8  374.8 
2001  609,000  4,244.6 589.5  3,655.1  6.2  79.1  81.1  423.1  607.1  2,634.8  413.2 
2002  614,000  4,325.1 565.4  3,759.7  5.1  79.7  76.2  404.4  609.2  2,765.3  385.2 
2003  648,280  4,359.6  598.0  3,761.6  6.0 93.3  68.8  429.9  597.6  2,784.4  379.6 
2004  657,755  4,003.2  632.3  3,370.9  5.6 84.8  68.0  473.9  573.6  2,456.7  340.6 
2005 663,253 4,226.4 632.3 3,612.5 4.8 81.1 81.0 465.4 622.8 2,600.7 391.3
2006 670,053 4,292.9 688.0 3,604.9 5.4 76.0 90.3 516.4 617.3 2,610.2 377.4
2007 683,478 4,040.7 661.2 3,379.5 6.4 77.4 85.3 492.0 538.7 2,247.0 353.8
2008 688,125 3,571.4 650.9 2,920.5 3.9 64.7 93.6 488.7 469.7 2,214.0 236.9
2009 698,473 3,573.8 633.4 2,940.4 3.1 73.4 93.6 463.2 515.4 2,183.5 241.5

Larceny- Vehicle
Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Rape* Robbery assault Burglary Theft Theft
2010 714,146 3,472.1 635.3 2,836.8 4.3 74.6 83.2 473.2 434.8 2,175.3 226.7
2011 723,860 3,247.9 610.1 2,637.8 4.1 60.2 79.6 466.1 394.0 2,052.1 191.7
2012 730,307 3,347.7 604.1 2,743.6 4.1 79.8 86.3 433.9 403.9 2,131.3 208.4
2013 737,259 3,515.7 638.7 2,877.0 4.6 89.1 84.5 424.1 395.7 2,251.4 229.9
2014 737,046 3,394.4 635.5 2,758.9 5.6 75.0 85.3 440.0 427.4 2,095.5 235.9
2015 737,709 3,551.2 730.8 2,820.4 8.0 87.8 103.2 497.6 475.9 2,067.1 277.3
2016 741,522 4,159.3 804.6 3,354.7 7.0 *142.0 114.6 540.9 546.6 2,395.9 412.3
2017 739,795 4,371.1 829.0 3,542.1 8.4 116.7* 128.5 575.4 563.8 2,402.7 575.6
2017 739,786 4,398.7 856.7 3,542.0 8.4 145.2 128.7 574.5 563.3 2,403.7 575.0
2018 735,139 4,203.3 891.7 3,311.6 6.4 164.9 121.9 598.5 542.1 2,226.0 543.6
2019 731,545 3,777.9 867.1 2,910.8 9.4 148.7 112.9 596.0 487.1 2,066.0 357.7
Year Population Index Violent Property Murder *Forcible Robbery Aggravated Burglary Larceny Vehicle

Theft Theft
2020 731,158 3,098.3 837.8 2,260.5 6.7 154.8 97.4 578.9 379.5 1,611.7 269.3 developed the  following table to rank the rates of crime in Alaska over time in relation to the rates of crime of other States .  This new way to examine fluctuations in the crime rate reveals patterns that are important for law enforcement executives, students of criminal justice, researchers, members of the media, and the public at large seeking information on crime in the nation. *Forcible Rape*
For the year 2016 and beyond the FBI report includes all genders of rape in the Forcible Rape category.  Prior to 2016 rape reports counted were by females only.
Alaska Population and Rate of Crime Rank Compared to other States
State Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Rape Robbery Assault Burglary Larceny Vehicle
Alaska 1960 49 23 21 21 7 1 23 23 33 21 9
Alaska 1961 49 24 25 24 3 5 38 22 28 24 11
Alaska 1962 49 25 24 26 21 2 38 21 33 25 10
Alaska 1963 49 18 21 18 12 4 31 18 33 20 6
Alaska 1964 49 20 20 21 2 1 33 17 33 24 5
Alaska 1965 50 15 21 15 15 4 22 22 22 15 4
Alaska 1966 50 16 24 16 1 3 27 24 25 15 4
Alaska 1967 50 19 25 17 8 6 31 21 23 17 10
Alaska 1968 50 17 29 17 6 6 25 27 22 15 8
Alaska 1969 50 17 25 16 7 4 26 24 20 13 6
State Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Rape Robbery Assault Burglary Larceny Vehicle
Alaska 1970 50 18 22 19 4 6 28 20 31 18 10
Alaska 1971 50 17 17 17 5 1 30 8 31 16 12
Alaska 1972 50 14 18 13 18 1 31 9 22 12 9
Alaska 1973 50 10 18 10 17 2 36 8 20 8 11
Alaska 1974 50 13 12 14 8 1 35 7 30 12 3
Alaska 1975 50 9 9 11 11 2 24 4 30 10 3
Alaska 1976 50 11 10 10 8 2 22 4 27 9 3
Alaska 1977 49 10 15 9 9 1 28 14 23 10 3
Alaska 1978 50 10 17 9 6 1 31 14 22 7 5
Alaska 1979 50 12 20 10 5 1 28 17 26 10 10
State Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Rape Robbery Assault Burglary Larceny Vehicle
Alaska 1980 50 21 25 21 21 4 36 19 34 15 11
Alaska 1981 50 11 13 11 6 1 31 6 31 9 4
Alaska 1982 50 14 11 13 1 1 22 8 30 10 8
Alaska 1983 50 10 11 11 3 1 31 5 26 9 5
Alaska 1984 50 9 11 11 3 1 27 6 13 6 6
Alaska 1985 49 11 12 11 10 1 30 7 18 11 7
Alaska 1986 49 11 16 10 17 1 32 12 24 8 10
Alaska 1987 49 19 22 18 10 3 36 18 35 12 16
Alaska 1988 49 24 20 24 26 4 37 14 38 17 18
Alaska 1989 49 28 23 28 18 5 38 17 38 20 22
State Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Rape Robbery Assault Burglary Larceny Vehicle
Alaska 1990 49 27 25 26 22 3 37 21 35 20 18
Alaska 1991 48 20 21 20 22 1 34 20 33 12 19
Alaska 1992 48 20 19 17 22 1 35 17 35 13 21
Alaska 1993 48 16 15 17 17 1 30 8 35 11 21
Alaska 1994 48 14 10 16 26 3 24 7 33 10 18
Alaska 1995 48 14 11 15 14 1 22 8 30 12 19
Alaska 1996 48 16 10 16 20 1 30 6 26 15 18
Alaska 1997 48 17 10 17 9 1 32 6 35 11 20
Alaska 1998 48 21 10 20 18 1 34 8 33 17 20
Alaska 1999 48 22 9 24 5 1 28 7 31 22 15
State Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Rape Robbery Assault Burglary Larceny Vehicle
Alaska 2000 48 22 10 23 26 1 33 10 31 22 24
Alaska 2001 49 21 10 26 17 1 32 8 30 23 20
Alaska 2002 49 20 12 23 21 1 39 8 31 17 21
Alaska 2003 47 21 9 21 17 1 38 7 30 16 21
Alaska 2004 47 22 7 27 19 1 36 5 32 23 23
Alaska 2005 47 20 7 22 24 1 34 5 29 18 18
Alaska 2006 47 16 6 19 22 1 31 3 29 13 16
Alaska 2007 47 19 8 23 16 1 34 4 34 25 16
Alaska 2008 47 23 8 28 30 2 31 3 39 22 30
Alaska 2009 47 21 6 25 33 1 27 5 35 21 19
State Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Rape Robbery Assault Burglary Larceny Vehicle
Alaska 2010 47 20 2 24 24 1 28 1 40 18 17
Alaska 2011 47 23 1 28 26 2 31 1 44 23 28
Alaska 2012 47 22 3 27 26 1 25 2 44 20 21
Alaska 2013 47 15 1 21 20 1 24 3 45 10 17
Alaska 2014 48 14 1 21 13 1 23 2 31 16 16
Alaska 2015 48 8 1 17 6 1 17 1 25 13 9
Alaska 2016 48 2 1 3 11 1 11 1 14 2 5
State Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Rape Robbery Assault Burglary Larceny Vehicle
Since we developed the table of "Alaska Population and Rate of Crime Rank Compared to other States", we are interested in hearing how others are using the table.  Email:

* United States Alaska* Alabama * Arkansas * Arizona * California * Colorado * ConnecticutDelaware Florida * Georgia * Hawaii * Iowa * Idaho * Illinois * Indiana * Kansas * Kentucky * Louisiana * Massachusetts * Maryland * Maine * Michigan * Minnesota * Missouri * Mississippi * Montana * North Carolina * North Dakota * Nebraska * New Hampshire * New Jersey * New Mexico * Nevada * New York * Ohio * Oklahoma * Oregon * Pennsylvania * Rhode Island * South Carolina * South Dakota * Tennessee * Texas * Utah * Virginia * Vermont * Washington D. C. * Washington * Wisconsin * West Virginia * Wyoming *

Copyright 1997-2017

Rate Per 100,000 and Rank by State of Crime by US States 1960 - 1977
1960 * 1961 * 1962 * 1963 * 1964 * 1965 * 1966 * 1967 * 1968 * 1969 * 1970 * 1971 * 1972 * 1973 * 1974 * 1975 * 1976 * 1977 *
Rate Per 100,000 and Rank by State of Crime and Imprisonment by US States 1978 - 2012
19781979 * 1980 * 1981 * 1982 * 1983 * 1984 * 1985 * 1986 * 1987 * 1988 * 1989 * 1990 * 1991 * 1992 * 1993 * 1994 * 1995 * 1996 * 1997 * 1998 * 1999 * 2000 * 2001 * 2002 * 2003 * 2004 * 2005 * 2006 * 2007 * 2008 * 2009 * 2010 * 2011 * 2012 *2013 *

Crime, Punishment and Ratio of Crime to Punishment Per 100,000 and Rank by Year and between States

Alaska -   Alabama  -  Arkansas  -  Arizona  -  California  -  Colorado  -  Connecticut -    Delaware  -    Florida  -  Georgia  -  Hawaii  -  Iowa -  Idaho  -  Illinois  -  Indiana -  Kansas -  Kentucky  -  Louisiana  -  Massachusetts  -  Maryland  -   Maine  - Michigan  -  Minnesota  -  Missouri  -  Mississippi  -  Montana -  North Carolina -  North Dakota  -  Nebraska  -  New Hampshire  -  New Jersey  -  New Mexico  -  Nevada  -  New York -  Ohio  -  Oklahoma -  Oregon  -  Pennsylvania -  Rhode Island  -  South Carolina  -  South Dakota  -  Tennessee  -  Texas  -  Utah  -  Virginia  -  Vermont  -  Washington  -  Wisconsin  -  West Virginia  -  Wyoming  

Rate and Rank of Crimes in the United States 1960 to 2013 Violent Crime Property Crime Rape Robbery Assault Burglary Larceny Theft Motor Vehicle Theft